On October 30, 2018, a debate took place at the Novotel Hotel "About health, with responsibility". The meeting was attended by representatives of the authorities, health professionals, the pharmaceutical industry and representative organizations for consumers and patients, namely pharmacists and medical students , marking a year since the launch of the RASCI educational campaign.

Correct information, educating and empowering Romanian consumers and patients to manage their health, creating a unitary legislative framework for the represented segment, the implications and benefits of the principle of self-medication responsible at social and economic level were the main topics of the debate organised in the context of the RASCI campaign "About health, with responsibility".

On this occasion, RAC President Oana Cociasu presented briefly the latest version of the RAC Best Practice Code of Conduct on Advertising, and recent work to introduce new provisions on medical devices.

The conference was also attended by Gerald Filip Flintoaca, member of the RAC Board of Directors.

The debate can be followed here

More info on RASCI website.